Bank Saint Petersburg is:
Regional bank
Focus area — St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The Bank understands unique features of the region and promptly responds to customer needs and the changing market environment.
Full-service universal bank
The Bank offers a full range of products and services to all customer categories in the regional market, paying particular attention to the mass segment.
A bank of high efficiency
The Bank’s aim is to ensure continuous efficiency and productivity by means of process alignment and optimization, as well as application of lean production principles.
A leading bank in terms of customer services quality
The Bank is striving to become a leader in terms of customer services quality by offering simple and easy-to-understand products, maintaining a high speed of transactions execution, and giving its customers the opportunity to perform most of the standard transactions via e-banking without visiting the Bank’s office.
Business divisions
The Bank continues to improve its performance by offering a wide range of cutting-edge banking services to small, medium and large-sized enterprises, taking into account each customer group’s particular requirements and interests.

As one of the key players in St. Petersburg’s retail banking services, Bank Saint Petersburg aims to become the first bank of choice for the city's residents. The Bank currently has ca. 2 000 000 retail customers, forming a solid base for the future successful growth of its retail business.